Kerkepannebos in Sint-Idesbald covers 6 hectares and is attached to De Panne's Houtsaegerduinen nature reserve. Kerkepannebos is a man-made wood, and one of the oldest woods on the Flemish coast.

Thanks to its advanced age, Kerkepannebos enriches the biodiversity characteristic of the Houtsaegerduinen and Kerkepannebos nature reserve, totalling 86 hectares. You will find a nice picnic area and a play area for children ( entrance Jan Van Looylaan).

The Houtsaegerduinen are a semi-natural dune landscape with small drift dunes, moss dunes, remnants of dune grasslands and former dune fields. In early spring, you can find Ficaria (like buttercups) and Wild bluebells. Four white shrubs of the dunes produce fragrant white flowers in spring and berries in autumn with warm red to dark red or blue-purple colours. Shrubs such as Blackthorn, Common Elder, Hawthorn and Wild Privet provide a buffet table for insects and birds.

The remnants of dune fields can be recognised by the raised borders. The disappearance of traditional agricultural activity led to overgrowth. The super popular donkeys of the Houtsaegerduinen provide further ecological added value to the area. With a small herd of larger donkeys grazing there all year round. They keep the grass short and help slow down overgrowth. This gives a chance for many different plants to grow and bloom. These animals are well adapted to the relatively dry, arid environment.

  • Tram stop: Sint-Idesbald
  • Hiking points in Kerkepannebos/Houtsaegerduinen 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30
  • Between cycle points 84 and 76 (Westhoek and Kust)
  • Mountain bike trail: Kerkepanne forest
  • Westkust Equestrian Trail
  • Noorddreef, De Panne (entrance with car park)
Houtsaegerduinen en Kerkepannebos